a free online

13.04.22 | 18:00

A Free Online Workshop via Zoom in GREEK

Date: Wednesday April 13th

18.00 – 19.30 (Greek Time Zone – EET)


*If you’re interested in the Greek version of the workshop on
Wednesday April 13th at 18.00 Greek time, click here.


A fresh perspective of the nature of motherhood where you will begin to experience the benefits of heartfelt leadership as a mother.

Being a mother, while one of the best journeys in our lives, can seem challenging, hard, and often pushes us to our limits. I believe that our kids are our greatest teachers and if we start relating to motherhood from a different context it can seem peaceful even in the most challenging times.

This complimentary workshop is not going to be a workshop focused on your kid and what you should say or do to your kid. We will take a step back and see how you relate to motherhood, see what ideas or beliefs you hold as a mother and look inside to your “operating system” as a mother. Some common beliefs that I see as a coach are the following:

‘It’s too much responsibility, almost a burden to raise a kid.’
‘What my kid does reflects on me- if I am a good mother or not.’
‘My kids listen to me when I shout.’
‘If my child is not feeling well, I am not ok.’

Once we start to question and shift some common beliefs that we might have learned through our parents or society- our being changes. We operate more from love. If our “being” changes our behavior shifts with no effort and thus our relationship with out kid shifts. How we are “being” as a mother is everything, and once we are in this space of love, we don’t need any behavioral advice as we can trust the wisdom that we all have as mothers. You will have practical applications and real-life examples from my experience as a mother and coach that has helped mothers find their way to becoming a more conscious parent.

My intention for the workshop is that it will create a new reflection around the subject of motherhood, have you reflect on how you want to be as a mother and will bring about more lightness, peace, calmness and a sense of freedom.

This workshop is suitable for mothers with kids of all ages.

It is highly recommended that you register soon as spaces are limited- When the workshop reaches its maximum capacity, you will be added to the waiting list.

*On Wednesday 13th April the workshop be in Greek. On Saturday 9th of April the workshop will be in English for those who are interested. For more info click here

Sofia Koutsiana-Kellogg is a certified transformative coach, writer and speaker. She is the founder of Principles Coaching Academy, an international certification Academy for Coaches based on the 3 Principles and the ICF. She is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), certified by International Coaching Federation (ICF) and has been working with individuals and companies for more than a decade. She has extensive training in a variety of coaching methods and has studied alongside some of the most important coaches and self-improvement teachers in the world, such as Tony Robbins, Byron Katie, Martha Beck, Michael Neill, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, George and Linda Pransky.

For more information about the workshop, contact me.


Mind changing, perspective shifting and altering. Three gifts that I left with from Sofia’s retreat.  As she says, “once you start to see life THAT way, you can never go back” !! Thank you, Sofia! So grateful to have met you.

Anastasia P. Consultant
Sofia! The 3 Day Retreat was an amazing break from my thoughts which tend to frustrate me daily. I have attended many seminars and read many psychology books but the opportunity to meet an experienced Life Coach like you and get to know the “Three Principles” changed the way to see things. I can definitely say, that I have revised things I used to believe related to my feelings and life in general. This retreat is indeed a life-changing experience!
Annette P. Marketeer

I see Sofia as my mentor, a blessing in my life. I spent three wonderful days with her that I will never forget because they changed me. The most important thing about the Three Principles method is its simplicity. Everyone will think, in the beginning, “oh, I knew that!” But if the understanding gets into your soul, that is where all the change takes place. She pointed me to the path towards my inner tranquillity and happiness, showing me they already existed in me, I just didn’t know how to reach them. Thank you, Sofia, for bringing the wisdom in me. I often wonder if having the name Sofia, the Greek word for wisdom, is not a coincidence…


I was trying to get in touch with myself and find out who I am, and make clear how and what I want from my life. Sofia was exactly what I needed and every session with her opened a new window to my self-awareness through the Three Principles. With Sofia’s guidance, I activated my hidden powers, focusing on today and the future. And gradually, by immersing in our sessions, simply and effortlessly, I managed to define my goals, realised my decisions, empowered myself, letting away the limiting mind mechanisms and illusions. Sofia, thanks to you, I feel much happier!