Give it a Second


Have you noticed that many times when someone asks you something you answer immediately without even reflecting for a second about it?  Do you maybe do that in your life in general and even with problems that you see and solutions that you want to find?

I remember being on a session with my coach Michael Neill and I don’t remember what he asked me exactly but I remember him saying after I gave my answer immediately

“Can you give it a second?”

Of course, I laughed and I paused but I didn’t get then what he really meant at the time. I didn’t see why what he asked me was not just a clever thing to say and make me laugh at the moment but it was his way to gently guide me out of what I already knew, my ego, my predigested ideas into something greater than myself: the unknown, I could even call it my true self.

It was like an invitation to dwell in that space of the unknown which I totally underestimated back then. I would rather go anywhere else but inside if I was looking for an answer. I would go to teachers, friends, books, lectures, basically anywhere else but inside.

What I see now a little bit more clearly is that even if I give it a minute dwelling in that space something comes out. And even if nothing mind-blowing comes out.. it sure is better than my already pre-digested-same-old ideas.

As an analogy, this really disgusting image came to my mind:  my already thought “thoughts” are just like digested food, there are no nutrients there, nothing valuable and new.

How disgusting it would be if we ate already digested food? None of us would want to do that but isn’t it what we all do when we are dwelling on the same thoughts over and over again? It feels exactly like eating already digested food

And if I compare the two: I already thought “thoughts” versus dwelling in the unknown… the unknown feels being in a field full of cherry trees and Picking up fresh cherries and eating them! They taste so good and fresh that enlivens you. That is exactly how it feels when we take the time and give it a second and dwell in the unknown. That is where great magic, wisdom, ideas come from and regardless of what the idea is just being in that space fills us with fresh energy.

Next time someone asks you something, or you have a question in your life, a problem you like to solve, maybe consider giving it a second and see what happens. Maybe, you too will be amazed that all the answers you were looking for are already inside you.

with love,

I, Sofia