Upgrade Now: The new software for your mind


The time to discover Three Principles Coaching is now: The new “software” for your mind that will make you feel the immediate and effective transformation in your personal and professional life.

Whether we experience it consciously or not, every day we live, it is in itself a learning curve. Many times, while everything is going well, something small but unexpected happens that turns our reality upside down. Beyond the countless personal examples, we recently experienced the common experience of the pandemic, which changed once and for all the way we live, and what we considered until now “normal”.

Talking to the people I coach, I can see how much we have realized at a time like this on a collective level: some realized that they can work very effectively from their personal space, others realized that long meetings in the office were pointless while through zoom it was much more effective. Some trips were unnecessary, the connection with their children was almost non-existent until today and they realized how angry they were with some of their colleagues or even with their partners … So many valuable lessons, through one unexpected condition that shook what we were all thought of a daily, normal routine!


operating system

If you think about it, life itself did exactly what a good life coach would do. The practice of Three Principles coaching is very reminiscent of the experience of the pandemic at this very point: it shakes our perceptions in order for us to perceive something new, something that was always there but we could just not see it clearly. Because, in the end, our world is what it is because of our thoughts and beliefs. All our actions and moves come from the way we see the world. If we believe that others do not deserve our trust, we will always act with suspicion. If we are afraid of mistakes and always aim for perfection, we will usually not manage to be so successful. If we avoid disappointing others, we block once and for all the expression of our own desires.

So think about how much our thoughts and our inner state affects our lives, in the same way that an athlete can, when possessed by fear, have a bad day. And in the end, our thoughts are the ones that affects us and in the same way, whether we are athletes or partners, parents, teachers, executives!

Most of us, however, we do not see the thoughts that affect our lives but blame the circumstances, the responsibilities we have been charged with, the lack of time, the others, such as our partner, colleagues and children. Others are to blame for how our lives are and how we feel. Why are we doing this? Because, quite simply, this is what most people around us do. Thus, we enter the autopilot, adopting ideas and perceptions that are not even ours, but things that our parents, school, our friendly environment, society have taught us or passed on to us subconsciously. And we move with these perceptions as unshakable realities.

But the problem with blaming others or circumstances, is that since the thing that affects our lives is an outside factor, there is nothing we can do about it. We are always the “victims” of life, the “receivers”.
What I have seen through the method of the Three Principles, is that the human mind not only does not function as a “victim” but it is also the greatest creator. When my clients realize this passive mentality and overcome it, they start to see their life with a new perspective, they take action, they have clear thinking, more energy and creativity, more vitality. In other words, they utilize all the dynamics of the human mind and discover the wisdom, the dynamics and the peace that we all have inside us.

Here are some simple steps we can take to begin this process of change:

  1. Examine your daily routine and observe what it is that you often complain about. The things you blame and wish were different so your life would be better.
  2. What are your thoughts on this situation?
  3. Write them down, read them and challenge them. Have a conversation with yourself. Is what I believe true? Why do I believe it? Try to put in your mind a person you admire – even a historical figure – and ask them imaginatively what they would do in your case. Crazy? It is even crazier what we do now, “talking” with our negative thoughts constantly!
  4. If you didn’t have something or someone to blame for everything you don’t like in your life, how would you be? Would you have more energy and creativity?
  5. Start living as if there aren’t the circumstances or the others to blame. What different would you do every day? If you have a habit in mind or new action that you want to do in your life, put it in your schedule and start living with it. WIll you begin to see that without having to blame your life or someone else (or yourself) you will love your life much more and feel calmer and more alive than ever?

Experiment, “upgrade” your way of thinking.

As we upgrade a computer or mobile phone so that they perform much better right after, this is the same! By putting new software in your mind, your whole life can change from now on and forever. What is this new software? We stop constantly blaming circumstances and others and start creating our lives every day the way we want it. This major change is the most certain way to get closer to your true self, full of energy, creativity and peace.

Upgrade Now:  New Mindset = New Result

coaching event june

One way to get started right away, is to attend the seminar Uncover Your True Potential on June 19-22 or to contact me for my for personal coaching sessions.